Written to provide ACCURATE INFORMATION to employees of the Newburgh Can Plant WHO VOTED IN IBEW LOCAL 363 and who only ask for the protection of a written contract with their employer.
Thought it would be interesting to show everyone at MCC who else feels the right to organize is a very valuable right.
It is also very interesting to note that more and more workers in ALL fields are choosing the IBEW - the right choice.
All workers who work for a paycheck to support a family need to be organized to have a voice. The alternative is too open ended.
You guys saw the value of being organized and you are now close to getting your first contract in place. A contract you can build on for years to come.
The next negotiations for the contract will begin on Monday July 25 at the Homewood Suites down the road from the plant. We normally start late on Mondays - sometime in the afternoon - to give the company reps a chance to get in from the airport. Every other morning we get there around 9:30am to get set up for the day and we meet with the company soon after that.
During this next week of negotiations, we will cover all monetary issues like wages, health, pension and establishing the 401(k) into the contract.
Between now and then is a great time to work hard, make cans and to openly display your support for your reps and Local 363.
Remember, we are there for you. We represent you sitting there.
We are going to ask for fair compensation for you in all of the above. After we ask for that fair compensation, the company will respond. We will bring that response back to you. We believe that the company will be fair and does see the value in an organized workforce in Newburgh.
We have all surely put our best foot forward up to this point, so we hope to get a nice first contract on which we can build a future for all and a solid relationship with the company.
It's all about money. They need to make money. Big money. We need to work hard to make sure they make that money.
We just need to get our cut out of the pie too - not be cut out of the pie.
It has finally happened. The union at MCC Newburgh is finally aware of who it is.
Wow! Thanks for the support you guys showed the committee today. We couldn't believe the amount of chairs we had to get - lucky I ordered four pies. It was great to have the discussions we had about some of the recent subjects to hit the table. I think it is very clear to most that there surely is a lot to cover and think about when you are putting together a contract.
Today was great to be part of and watch. Things progressed in a forward motion today and we cleaned up a few items. We still have a few things to hash out before we can say our "language" articles are complete. We will most likely complete those language issues by the end of this week.
If we get to that point, we will begin to discuss some of the economic issues in general.
I want to acknowledge that people are coming to visit on their days off or even after a long shift sometimes - it is inspiring. Thanks for coming and stop by any day. Between 11:30am and 1pm seems to be the best time if you want a window. Text your reps if you can to let us know you are there.
Interested in our story so far? Want to catch up or see how it developed?
Scroll down to the "Archives" section on the lower right side of this screen. Click on 2010. Click on June 2010 and you can start reading from day one. We hope that you follow us and support us in our efforts to get a written contract.
Who said that?
"If I went to work in a factory, the first thing that I would do is join a union."
THINK ABOUT THIS - All this money and energy to fight their OWN WORKERS! Shameful!
Still not answered by Dan, Ken or Tony:
Why did Ken LIE right away?
What's the 5 year non union plan?
Why is no written contract better for me?
What does the future hold for us in Newburgh?
Will we lose any money staying non union?
Will we lose any benefits staying non union?
Is it true they want to increase our health contributions by 2011?
Can we expect the same "concern" from Dan and Ken when we vote YES for IBEW Local 363?
Where was Tony's concern when your health costs went up and they screwed you on your 401k?
What did Dan do for you when you complained about Warrens victory dance when they took your break time away?
Why did Dan say the company could have recognized the union but it's the COMPANYS RIGHT to have an election? They don't vote! It's not THEIR RIGHT - It's OURS!
Do you realize that these captive meetings work just like the "time share" condo people do it - they try to wear you down so you do what THEY want you to do?
REALIZE that every time you guys sit in one of those meetings they are paying $25,000 per month to brainwash you. OOP add $20k for Ken now.
Do you realize that IBEW Local 363 will instill CONFIDENCE and STABILITY in the workforce?
Get ready for a union plant in Newburgh.
Get ready for a voice.
Get ready for a contract.
Get ready for IBEW Local 363.
Vote August 27 and August 28 for IBEW Local 363 and have a say in what happens in Newburgh.
IBEW Local 363 is made up of thousands of members across New York State in many different branches and occupations. Construction Electricians, Data Technicians, Telephone and Dish installers, call-centers, utility companies, water supply companies, LED /Lighting Manufacturers, sign installers, metal container corporations Ball Metal, Anheuser Busch, Town highway departments and water/sewer departments,West Point Federal employees